Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Put on My Big Floppy Beach Hat

     There it is!  My Big Floppy Beach Hat has been patiently perched on the hook in the back of my closet since last August, waiting for warm and lengthy days of springtime to come.  As soon as I put it on, it flippantly says goodbye to winter with the flowing wave of its brim.  And I go with it with a joyful and anticipating "spring" in every step.  Under the rim of that floppy beach hat, rests the hopes and plans for the coming season.  Some of these anticipations have been around for awhile and have been kept and protected from the beating sun, and others blown away by the winds of time and experience.  As a sifter filters the flour, my big floppy beach hat, has sifted my dreams, separating the temporal from the eternal.  And what remains and always carries me into the colder months is my life vision, my purpose...part temporal/ part eternal.  In this Easter season, it is resurrected anew from beneath the rim of that floppy beach hat.  So, with a fresh breeze in the air carrying warm thoughts of my friends and family, a limey margarita in my left hand, and Mattie's leash in my right hand, I will flip-flop into the springtime, Big Floppy Hat and all.
Oh, and one of my favorite hopes and plans is that we might joyfully collide along our walk very soon so that we can share in each others' life, margaritas or not:)


  1. Hello Amanda,
    Just the warm, effervescent and delightful picture I needed this morning! Thank you...I can just see you in the floppy hat, a bright sundress and the cutest of flip flops! Enjoy...betsy

  2. I am ready for us to collide in person so I can see you and give you a big hug!!!! I too am ready to embrace spring and all the newness that it brings!!

  3. I love how vivid this picture was for me especially the poetry in it all.
